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 Anti-venom story

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو مميز
عضو مميز

المساهمات : 28
نقاط : 754
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/11/2024

Anti-venom story Empty
مُساهمةAnti-venom story

Anti-Venom is a Marvel Comics character that is a counterpart to the villainous Venom. Created by writer Dan Slott and artist John Romita Jr., Anti-Venom first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #569 in 2008. The character is formed from the symbiote substance that originally created Venom, but with a twist—Anti-Venom is a new symbiote that is white, not black, and has healing abilities instead of destructive ones.

Anti-Venom’s origin comes from Eddie Brock, the original host of Venom. After his battle with Venom, Brock was cured of his cancer thanks to the symbiote’s departure. However, when he is exposed to a different symbiote (the one that once bonded with Spider-Man), he becomes the Anti-Venom. Unlike Venom, Anti-Venom’s powers focus on healing, purging toxins, and destroying other symbiotes. This makes him a natural counter to Venom and other symbiotes, as his touch can eliminate them or render them powerless.

While Eddie Brock retains his sense of justice and heroism, Anti-Venom is still a morally ambiguous character, sometimes walking the line between anti-hero and villain. Anti-Venom’s powers include superhuman strength, the ability to heal others, and the power to nullify symbiotes, making him a significant force in Marvel’s symbiote saga. His conflict with the Venom symbiote, along with his pursuit of redemption for his past, has made him an interesting and unique figure in Spider-Man’s rogues’ gallery.
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Anti-venom story

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